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Learning Support

How to Help Your Child

Home Learning

At Landulph School we believe home learning to be an essential and enjoyable part of a child’s education. Home learning encompasses a plethora of activities facilitated by those at home which support and enhance children’s learning.

The aims and objectives of home learning are:

  • to enable pupils to make maximum progress in their academic and social development;
  • to provide a positive shared learning experience for parents/carers and children;
  • to consolidate and reinforce the learning done in school and to allow children to practise skills taught in lessons;
  • to help children develop good work habits for the future.

Reading: This is an essential life skill and we believe this opens up the world of learning. In order for your child to succeed, we request all children read daily so they are practising their fluency and comprehension.

In Key Stage One, children need to read at home to adults every day so that they are utilising their daily phonic input. This should be recorded in their reading record so teachers and parents/carers are both aware of the progress and areas for development.

In Key Stage Two, children need to read at home every evening for a sustained period of time. We encourage parents to hear their child read at least twice a week so the children are developing their comprehension skills and deepening their understanding of the text.

Spellings and Phonics: Children are provided with a set of spellings which are taught and practised within the school day. To make the best possible progress, children are required to continue learning these words at home so they can transfer this knowledge into their writing. Within Key Stage One, children are provided with a differentiated selection of activities linked to their weekly phonic sounds. We encourage parents/carers to support their child’s learning by sharing these activities in order to develop their understanding.

Maths: Foundation children are provided with a Maths home learning book to complete weekly. For children in Key Stage 1 and 2, they will have individual access to ‘My Maths’ online where tasks linked to their current learning will be allocated and differentiated. This should be completed weekly in order to deepen their understanding of the topics covered.

Other Home Learning: Other home learning consists of a grid with a variety of creative tasks linked to the children’s class topic designed to develop and enhance all styles of learning. The children are encouraged to take ownership of this learning and have previously produced an amazing variety of finished pieces of work! We also enjoy celebrating their creations through a shared feedback session within class time or assemblies.